Category Archives: Technology

Mail Server in Linux


Apple's Mail Icon - hosts my gmail and MobileMe mails

I’m doing lectures for a local company in Makati on System and Network Administration. One of the main topics is managing a mail server (a POP/IMAP) using postfix and several packages. I’ve been doing system admin work for over 4 years and I’ve never thought of setting up a mail server system myself even just for lab trials/experiment. I find it impractical and no useful benefits if I ever successfully set up one. I’ve done DNS, DHCP and network tools setup in my home that is not so different from what enterprises use. For any technologist, it’s a cool achievement. But having a home email system isn’t as cool.

I’m just torn in a dilemma that I have to teach the guys practical management on a mail system but it is rather difficult to configure for my lab trials before presenting them with wise tips. It’s even more frustrating that these guys need to have the lecture fit in an environment using Red Hat 9. Red Hat 9 is a very old Linux distribution – over 5 years old! I’ve been scratching my head how to play around the system to make the mail server work for it. The old Red Hat systems doesn’t really have a good reputation of having the applications standard compliant that wouldn’t alienate long-time admins like me. So good luck for me then. My lecture will be this Saturday. Argh!